Outsourcing Software Testing: All You Need to Know About the Approach

Looking for reliable information on software testing and how to outsource this process? You have come to the right place.

It is hardly possible to overestimate the importance of Quality Assurance (QA) testing for web and mobile applications. It helps spot and fix bugs, prevent app crashes, and ensure the product works as it should before it gets to users.

But here’s the question, “How to do it right?” And what if you don’t have an in-house QA team? That’s when you start thinking about outsourcing software testing. Again, this consideration comes with a few new questions, such as, “Where do I start looking for a QA team, and how do I choose the right one?” The variety of choices here is just insane!

Outsourcing software testing opens many choices among the most incredible QA talents worldwide. But the most challenging part is – you have to choose one.

As a Business Development Manager with 8 years of experience, I’ve helped many founders and co-founders to outsource their software testing teams. With all the years of experience behind my back, I am ready to explain the nuances of software testing outsourcing and share the main tips for a smooth process in this article.  

So let’s do it!

software testing outsourcing

What Are Software Testing and Outsourced Software Testing?

First things first – what is software testing?

Software testing

The software testing process involves a comprehensive test strategy implemented by specialized testers and quality assurance engineers whose job is to identify coding errors and usability problems.

There is a widely accepted myth that software testing is a separate stage in software development, which is only possible after the software code is fully written. In fact, this is more relevant for the Waterfall model of software development.

According to the Agile philosophy (which Uptech devotedly follows), a QA engineer is involved in every stage of software development, from the requirements analysis to the bug prevention process in the early stages.

But that’s very simply said. In reality, software testing involves a whole range of activities, like requirements analysis, testing planning, creating test cases, executing tests, and analyzing the results.

Types of software testing

There are various types of software testing, classified based on different criteria. On the fundamental level, software testing can be divided into:

  • Manual testing, which is done, well, manually, with the bare hands of a QA engineer.
  • Automated testing, which is done using automated testing tools. It’s also a key component of the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process.

The types previously mentioned are more principles or methodologies of software testing. Below are the more commonly recognized types of software testing, which can be conducted either manually or through automated processes:

  • Functional testing – evaluating software according to functional requirements;
  • Performance testing – assessing how well a software application performs under a particular workload;
  • Security testing – testing software to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses for hackers;
  • Usability testing – considering how easy and intuitive it is for users to use a software system or application.

There are a bunch of other variants of software testing out there, based on what platform software is developed for (e.g., mobile app testing).

Outsourced software testing

Software testing outsourcing is when a company hires an outside expert, firm, or group to test its software or apps. The company that made the software doesn't necessarily do the testing in-house for various reasons: They may not do it in general, may not want to do testing, or may not have enough capacity. The hired testers, in turn, don't normally work on any other part of software development.

This method lets businesses use specialized testing skills and resources they have in limited amounts or might not have at all. Outsourcing partners usually take care of all kinds of testing jobs – from simple checks to more complex tests for performance and security.

types of software testing outsourcing

Types of software testing outsourcing

Similar to software development, software testing can be outsourced in various ways to meet specific project needs and strategic goals. Companies can choose between onshore, offshore, or nearshore outsourcing based on factors such as cost, expertise availability, time zone differences, and cultural alignment.

Onshore software testing

Onshore software testing refers to hiring a company within the same city or country. It's a good choice when the project, like a complex software, app, or website, requires close coordination and regular interaction with internal teams.

When to opt for it. This approach of software testing outsourcing fits complex projects that need detailed oversight and frequent communication.

Pros. By outsourcing your software testing onshore, you have better security, cultural alignment, and opportunities for face-to-face interactions.

Cons. It’s typically more expensive than other outsourcing options and might have limited availability of specialized skills.

Nearshore testing outsourcing

Nearshore testing outsourcing is when you partner with companies in nearby countries (often sharing a similar time zone) to do the testing part of software development. Nearshoring helps leverage specialized skills and resources not available in-house. It handles everything from basic functionality tests to advanced security and performance assessments.

Pros. The coordination is much easier than offshore due to closer proximity and time zone similarities.

Cons. There are slightly higher costs than offshore and the potential for cultural and language differences.

Offshore software testing outsourcing

Offshore software testing outsourcing is conducted in countries far from the hiring company's home base, often in places like Ukraine, the Caribbean, and India, where costs are significantly lower.

When to opt for it. Offshoring works best when cost efficiency is a priority over close collaboration and projects do not require real-time communication.

Pros. Lower costs, continuous work cycles due to time zone differences, and access to a vast pool of skilled professionals.

Cons. Challenges include language and communication hurdles, cultural mismatches, potential transparency issues, and managing different time zones.

Read our full guide comparing the strengths and weaknesses of nearshore vs offshore outsourcing for more informed decision-making.

What Are The 6 Main Steps of the Software Testing Process?

Before actually outsourcing software testing, it’s important to learn what it takes to test the software. The software testing life cycle is a complex process that requires a specific number of steps. Let’s briefly look at each of the steps to help you figure out whether you have all the resources and knowledge to perform it in-house or if it’s better to outsource the process.

software testing outsourcing

The key steps of software testing are:

  • Requirement analysis
  • Test planning
  • Test case creation
  • Test environment setup
  • Test execution
  • Test closure

Step 1. Requirements analysis

The first milestone on the way to a bug-free app is requirement analysis. The name talks pretty much of itself – this is the step where QAs analyze the product requirements to make sure they are clear and sufficient enough to start the development. They look at what the software is supposed to do (functional requirements) and how it should perform under various conditions (non-functional requirements). The team also spends time brainstorming to get a full grasp of what's needed, figuring out which tests can be automated and which should be done by hand.

A really important part of this phase is creating a requirements traceability matrix – the ability to keep track of testing activities and link them back to the original requirements. With this approach, the team ensures that every test adds value and fits exactly with the customer's needs.

It is essentially important to make the requirement clear and straightforward enough not to bring in any vagueness that can later transform into bugged code.

Step 2. Test planning

All the planning is done at this stage before the actual software testing takes place. The QA team reviews the requirements of the potential products to specify the testing objectives, scope of work, and testing strategies.

After reviewing all necessary testing requirements, the team develops a detailed plan. They establish the scope and objectives based on their understanding of the product domain. The team then assesses potential risks and outlines timelines and environments needed for testing to strategize effectively.

Following this, management selects the appropriate tools and assigns roles and responsibilities to team members. They also set a rough timeline for when each part of the software should be tested. The key output of this phase is the test plan document, which details the goals and processes of the testing activities for the project.

Step 3. Test cases creation

Test cases are crucial tools in QA that outline

  • specific steps to perform a test
  • inputs to be entered
  • expected outputs for each scenario

Following the test planning, QA teams start by designing and developing these detailed test cases based on the planned approach, ensuring they cover all possible scenarios.

Using the traceability matrix – a visual guide created earlier – testers systematically move from one feature to the next. This matrix helps ensure that all required features are tested, leaving no gaps by the project's end. Each test case is crafted to include every conceivable permutation and combination of actions related to the product.

Priority is given to test cases based on their likelihood of occurrence or potential impact on the product. This phase also involves rigorous verification and validation of the specified requirements documented earlier. The team reviews, updates, and approves automated scripts and manual test cases during this stage.

Testers define various test conditions with corresponding input data and expected outcomes. The main deliverables produced here are the actual test cases organized within their respective test suites.

Step 4. Test environment setup

Before cooking, you should get your worktop ready. This is how professional cooks do it (and Walter White, IYKWIM). Just like chefs prepare their workspace before cooking, QA engineers need everything in place before they start testing.

In the setup phase, QA teams make sure the environment includes all necessary servers, frameworks, and software to execute the test cases effectively. It’s essential to perform a preliminary smoke test and provide testers with reliable bug-reporting tools. Commonly in software development, there’s the challenge of software running on one system but not on another. That’s why a comprehensive test setup is a must.

The environment should replicate various user scenarios. For example, an application might perform well on a high-resolution display but struggle on lower-resolution screens, or it may function seamlessly on the latest Android version but crash on older versions.

The final output of this stage is a strategic plan for managing the test environment, which ensures that all bases are covered for an effective testing process. The responsibility of organizing and overseeing this setup usually falls to the QA manager.

Step 5. Test execution

This is the stage where the actual testing starts. QA engineers run the test cases created in the previous step to detect the software's defects and issues.

Defect tracking and fixing  

Once the defects were spotted, the QA team couldn't let them go. Now, the engineers' primary goal is to track the defects, recording each tiny detail of the bug. Engineers use a defect tracking tool to follow the defects' severity, priority, and reproducing steps.

Another step will be fixing the defects or the issues spotted during the testing phase.


Perfection takes effort. So, more than running one test is needed to make sure everything works well. This is why QAs have the retesting stage to ensure the issues have been resolved.

Regression testing

When developers have made changes to the software, regression testing ensures that the changes have not generated new defects or issues. Why it’s needed? Because the fix for a bug might create a new bug when the change has been deployed.

Step 6. Test closure

The team finally prepares the final test report, including the testing outcomes, defects spotted and fixed, and recommendations for future improvements.

The QA team reviews the test results and discusses the findings. They evaluate aspects like product quality, test coverage, and the overall cost of the project. If outcomes are different from initial estimates, the team conducts further analysis to determine the causes.

This phase is a perfect time to discuss any challenges encountered, potential flaws in the testing strategy, and opportunities for improvement based on the experiences gained.

Additionally, the team assesses test metrics, goal achievement, and adherence to deadlines. With a complete understanding of the testing activities and outcomes, they can thoroughly evaluate and refine the overall testing strategy and process.

Following this evaluation, the team implements the recommended improvements to the testing strategy and plans how these adjustments will be integrated into future projects. Then, the finalized test report, along with actionable insights, is shared with relevant stakeholders to aid in decision-making for subsequent development cycles.

This approach wraps up the current project and sets a refined foundation for upcoming initiatives.

software testing outsourcing

When Do You Need Software Testing Outsourcing?  

With the tendency toward remote work and the elaborate instruments for online communication and work, outsourcing is an absolute new normal. Whether it is software development, QA, or design, outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution or sometimes even a better alternative for you.

software testing outsourcing

So, let’s see when exactly you should consider outsourcing software testing services.

Budget constraints

The first case when you should consider outsourcing software testing is facing budget constraints. The cost-effectiveness of outsourcing opens opportunities for numerous businesses that have great ideas but need more money.

Outsourcing software testing is no exception here. By delegating this task to a small QA outsourcing company, you can cut costs up to 20%-30% of the project budget.

Extra project

You might need more resources when you want to run multiple projects simultaneously. In this case, software testing outsourcing can be your saving hand. Basically, you have two options:

  • Hiring QA engineers for your team via a full-scale recruitment process and paying all the employment fees that come along with that;
  • Outsource software testing services to an external vendor to get the needed talent and not worry about the employment fuss.

Business scaling

Outsourcing software testing services can be a great option not only for early-stage startups but also for those startups that are aiming to grow. When your product is about to scale, the need for more QA resources can hit hard. In this case, you need a fast team extension with minimum fuss and expenditures. And you know what? Outsourcing testing services fit the bill perfectly.

Moreover, as we said earlier, outsourced software testing gives you access to a wide array of testing tools and technologies that may be too expensive or complex to maintain in-house.

Lack of internal skills

We've already discussed how outsourcing software testing is beneficial in resource-limited scenarios, but it's equally crucial to consider when internal teams lack the specific skills required for comprehensive software testing. If this is so, outsourcing becomes a practical solution. External QA experts bring a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge that can bridge the gap in your team's capabilities. As a result, the testing part of your software development process is thorough and meets industry standards.

Tight deadlines

Outsourcing can be a game-changer for projects under tight deadlines. External teams can be quickly onboarded to expedite the testing process, helping to meet launch dates without compromising on the quality and thoroughness of testing.

Need for a perspective from the outside

Bringing in an external QA team can provide a fresh perspective that might reveal overlooked issues or suggest improvements that enhance the user experience. This outsider view can be invaluable, particularly for products aimed at diverse or international markets, as it helps ensure that the software is robust and user-friendly across different user bases.

Short-term projects

For projects with a limited duration, outsourcing QA testing is especially beneficial. It allows companies to engage expert testers only for the necessary period, optimizing costs and resources. This flexibility is perfect for pilot projects, seasonal applications, or any software development where long-term commitments are not feasible.

The Pros and Cons of Outsourced Software Testing

Now that you know the scenarios when outsourcing software testing can be a great solution, let’s have a few words about whether you should consider outsourcing in the first place. As with anything else, this approach has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Consider these advantages and disadvantages when thinking about using an outsourced team for your software testing.

software testing outsourcing

Pros of outsourcing software testing

When you outsource software testing to a team that knows how to perform all the tasks right, you get numerous advantages. The key ones we examine below.

Expertise in QA testing. Outsourced teams often bring specialized knowledge and experience in quality assurance that can enhance your project.

Cost savings. Outsourcing can significantly reduce labor costs compared to in-house teams. For example, the hourly rates for application testing services in Ukraine range from $25 to $49, while pricing for the same services in the US starts at $150 - $199.

Continuous development. With teams in different time zones, work can progress around the clock, which works great for speeding up development cycles.

Support from governments. Some regions offer incentives for outsourcing, which can further reduce costs.

Moving on with the example of Ukraine, overseas business operations can be complex, yet Ukraine offers a favorable setting for large international projects. The government helps maintain competitive IT outsourcing rates by preventing double taxation.

Additionally, Ukraine introduced Diia City, a special regime for the IT industry that provides beneficial conditions to create transparent corporate structures, attract international investment, and protect intangible assets.

Nearshore options. As mentioned above, you can choose a nearshore outsourcing partner to help manage time zone challenges while still offering cost benefits.

Cons of outsourcing software testing

Here are the most common disadvantages of outsourcing software testing. However, it's important to note that encountering these issues is not inevitable, and you may not face them at all. In the following section, we will debunk common myths and address concerns related to software testing outsourcing.

Communication challenges. Language differences and remote communication can complicate project coordination. The solution is to choose an outsourcing partner that has a high EF English Proficiency Index.

Time zone differences. Coordinating across time zones can lead to delays and less synchronization. The quality of work can vary, requiring thorough vetting of the outsourcing provider. To check if you have enough working hours to communicate with an outsourced team, you may visit websites for time and time zones, like Time and Date AS. In general, 2-4 hours of overlap is enough for quality communication.

Unexpected costs. Sometimes, hidden costs, such as additional fees for tools or services, can arise, which, as a result, impacts the overall budget.

For more information, you can read our blog highlighting the best countries to outsource software development, including testing.

Outsourcing Software Testing Team: 3 Myths Busted

Outsourcing software testing is trendy among startup co-founders, Yet myths and unrealistic expectations surround this process. In this block, I want to examine the most widespread myths I encounter when walking to co-founders.

software testing outsourcing

Myth 1. A QA team is involved in the last stages of the project

The commonly held expectation is that a QA engineer should be involved in the project once the software is coded. However, this is a common misconception. To explain it better, let me tell you how a bug is usually created.

  • It all starts with the requirements. If there is a mistake or some ambiguity at the planning stage, the chances are high that the code written according to this requirement will be bugged;
  • Code. The bug was not spotted at the planning stage, but it passed on to the development stage. Now, at the coding phase, the mistake requirement is transformed into an error;
  • If still not spotted even at the development stage, the error passes on to the next stage – the product deployment, where it finally results in the failure of the app.

Result: a massive overspending of cost for finding the bug, eliminating it, and rebuilding the app’s architecture.

Things might turn out easier (and cheaper) if the QA team is involved in the project's early stages. Thus, the QA engineer can spot the bug when it is only a mistake in the requirements and prevent it from failing.

Eventually, the co-founder saves a lot of costs and effort while making the time-to-market timeline much shorter.

At Uptech, we follow the Agile product development process, smoothly integrating testing at every stage of the development.

Even at the Discovery, the QA engineer can be helpful at, for example, identifying whether the product is compliant with all the niche requirements (like HIPAA in healthcare apps). This approach helps our clients to optimize costs and get a product of exceptional quality.

Myth 2. With automated testing, there is no need for manual testing

Another myth in outsourcing software testing is that automated testing is enough to provide quality assurance. Well, in most cases, this is wrong, especially for startups. And here’s why.

The startup development is iterative – it envisages many changes and improvements until the final product is launched. In such a dynamic environment, testing the product at every iteration is necessary to avoid any errors. And, usually, only manual testing can provide that.

Automation testing is more applicable for classic Waterfall models of development, where testing follows the product development and changes are rare. Yet, manual testing prevails when it comes to dynamic, for it gives closer access to the app.

At Uptech, we usually combine the two approaches (manual and automated) to adapt to the dynamic flow of startup development while optimizing the client’s resources.

Myth 3. Software testing guarantees 100% bug-free products

This myth might be difficult to break. Indeed, it is hard to admit: you’re outsourcing the software testing team, paying them for the job, and still do not get the perfect result.

We are totally with you here. However, QA is not about testing the software against any possible scenario. Instead, it is about testing the software against our expectations of user behavior. Yet, these expectations are never overwhelming enough.

And this is where we have to accept the harsh truth – we cannot predict every tiny problem that can happen when using the app, as we do not know how the user will act and what their next request will be. Yet, we can always do our best to prevent the maximum of them.

At Uptech, we can provide a stable 99% crush-free result. Read about how we ensure that in the article How Uptech Keeps 99% Crash-Free Sessions On Aspiration App?  

3 Concerns About Outsourcing Software Testing and How to Tackle Them?

Outsourcing software testing services can be a great option in terms of cost-efficiency, a large pool of talent, and flexibility. Still, a few common concerns usually hold co-founders from outsourcing. And that’s a pity, as each of them can be simply tackled via good management and streamlined communication.

software testing outsourcing

So, let’s look at the main “red flags” in the context of software testing outsourcing and see how you can deal with them.

Communicating with the outsourced software testing team?

Communication is the key to successful management. And software testing outsourcing is no exception. Yet, differences in time zones, language barriers, and cultural values hinder smooth communication when outsourcing.

However, choosing the right outsourcing partner with organized management processes and English language proficiency can easily cover these issues.

At Uptech, we have gathered a team of experienced developers with advanced English language skills. So you can rest assured of being heard and understood.

Also, our project managers take on the whole responsibility for the operations of the projects so that you do not have to control the QA team all the time. This is a perfect option if you want to focus on business development.

Quality of software testing

Trust is hard, especially when outsourcing your project to a remote team in another part of the globe.

Luckily, today, this concern is handleable. Before outsourcing the software testing services, you can surf through gigabytes of information about the preferred company. To make a better choice, you can:

  • Review cases on the website (check Uptech Work);
  • Check the company’s profiles on outsourcing sites (for example, check Uptech Clutch Profile);
  • Check the company’s reviews from clients (for example, this one);
  • Read the company’s block to see its domain expertise.

With the homework done, your chances of outsourcing a perfect software testing team are significantly higher.

What about the security aspects of outsourced software testing?

Another issue that comes up when starting to outsource software testing services is security. Well, this one has the ground to be – we often see the news about sensitive data breaches, so you have all the right to be concerned.

However, today's digital possibilities and legal efforts on data protection (especially in Europe and the US) make the issue less distressing. According to the research, the majority of the EU countries (70.7%) have low rates of exposure to security risks.  

In the US, in turn, there is a whole array of legislation protecting personal data on both federal and state levels. Among them:

  • The Federal Trade Commission Act sets forth the executive mechanism for the breach of data protection rules;
  • The US Privacy Act of 1974 established rules and regulations regarding US government agencies' collection, use, and disclosure of personal information;
  • Domain user data protection acts (HIPPA, GLBA, FERPA, COPPA).

Moreover, at Uptech, we use security measures and protocols to keep your data safe and sound. We have also achieved ISO 27001 Certification, marking a key milestone in our commitment to robust cybersecurity and data protection.

How to Find the Right Software Testing Team to Outsource to?

So, what does it take to outsource the right software testing team for your project? Well, a few steps and a little homework.

software testing outsourcing

Step 1. Clarify your business needs

And homework is exactly what you should start with. Take a while, and do some self-reflection:

  • What are your business goals at the moment?
  • Are you a striving startup seeking investments?
  • Or a growth-stage business seeking to extend your functionality?

The answers to these questions will determine your expectations from the potential software testing team and help you find the outsourcing partner with the necessary domain expertise and skills.

Additionally, it’s important to set strong KPIs before outsourcing. Define clear performance indicators that align with your strategic objectives to guide your evaluation of the outsourcing partner’s effectiveness.

Step 2. Choose the outsourcing destination

Time to swirl the globe – where will you outsource your software testing team? Luckily, you have a broad geographical choice. Outsourcing companies from the US and Central/Eastern Europe to Asia offer QA specialists of diverse expertise, qualifications, and price ranges.

But the trick is that you can find a super-qualified software testing team for a reasonable price if you start looking in offshore regions like Central and Eastern Europe. For example, you will see developers and QA engineers in Ukraine or Poland for a much more affordable price than in the US or Western Europe.

But let the affordability not disappoint you – the quality of development and testing services does not yield to the high-cost regions, but the cost of living is significantly lower. This is how you get a lower price without compromising the quality.

Step 3. Learn how much it typically costs to outsource software testing

Software testing outsourcing costs vary based on factors like location, project complexity, and the expertise of the testing team. As mentioned above, countries like Ukraine have lower hourly rates ($25 to $49) than the US ($150 to $199).

For example:

Small-scale projects (50 hours), such as basic functionality testing of a small application, will cost:

  • Ukraine: $1,250 to $2,450
  • USA: $7,500 to $9,950

Medium-scale projects (200 hours) that involve comprehensive testing of multiple functionalities in a medium-sized application will cost:

  • Ukraine: $5,000 to $9,800
  • USA: $30,000 to $39,800

Large-scale projects (500 hours) covering extensive testing across all aspects of a large application, including performance, security, and usability, will cost:

  • Ukraine: $12,500 to $24,500
  • USA: $75,000 to $99,500

Step 4. Create a list of favorites

The competition in the market is so intense that even after deep research, you will have a hard time choosing the one. Yet, narrowing the broad choice to a list of favorites might greatly help.

Once you pick the preferred ones, you can start doing the actual talking (setting up meetings with the Sales Managers).

Step 5. Check the credibility of the outsourced teams

You should also investigate the reliability and track record of the teams on your shortlist. For this, you can:

  • Look into their previous projects, client reviews, and any industry awards.
  • Verify their expertise and ability to deliver high-quality testing services. This step ensures that you choose a team that can handle your project effectively and meets professional standards.

Some information can be found on review platforms like Clutch as well as on the official website of the services provider, e.g., the “Our Work” page.

Step 6. Choose one and talk the deal through

You are a few steps away from the contracts. Congrats! Now, take a while to know your potential team better. Discuss the terms and conditions, and learn about the company’s values, working philosophy, and culture.

Hard skills are essential. Yet, the development might get into a better place with shared values, business approach, and communication style.

At Uptech, we understand how challenging the decision-making process can be. So, we are always as meticulous as possible during negotiations to clarify each detail. The sale cycle can take from a week to months, depending on the availability of specialists and the decision-making time.

Step  7. Check the test environment and tools

Before finalizing your decision, ensure that the team has the appropriate tools and environment set up for testing:

  • Do they have the necessary hardware and software?
  • Is their testing environment suitable for your specific software requirements?

Confirming these elements will help avoid future challenges and guarantee the smooth execution of your testing needs.

Step 8. Finalize, onboard, and monitor

Once satisfied, finalize the contract and begin the onboarding process. At this point, you commonly do the following:

  • Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and workflows.
  • Establish communication channels and schedules.
  • After the project kicks off, continuously monitor and evaluate the team's performance.

Regular feedback and adjustments as needed will keep the project on track and ensure that you are getting the results you expect.

Why is Uptech a Sound Outsourcing Software Testing Provider?

At Uptech, our experience makes us who we are. Since 2016, we have been a reliable and proactive product development partner for startups and mature companies. We are proud of our long-term and sound relationship with such clients as GOAT and Aspiration.

Behind our backs, we have years of experience and impeccable domain expertise in Fintech, Proptech, Healthcare, Social Media, etc. Besides being excellent product development partners, we also build our products (Plai, Rozmova) using the most advanced and popular technologies (like AI in DYVO.AI).

So, what makes us solid product development partners? Well, let’s ask our clients!

They’re very organized and transparent.” – direct speech of our client. Does anyone else have anything to say?

Uptech’s communication ability and technical acumen are impressive.” – another direct citation of another client.

Transparency and smooth communication are among our priorities when working with clients. As you may judge from these citations, this effort pays off very well.

software testing outsourcing


Outsourcing a software testing team can benefit your business in many ways. Besides being cost-effective, software testing outsourcing can open a broad choice of tech talents and save you time.

In times like these, cost optimization is not a choice but a must. Outsourcing software testing services can help with that.

So if you are thinking of outsourcing a team, contact us, and we will gather a team that will boost level up your project.


1. What questions should I ask potential outsourcing providers?

For a general understanding of the expertise of your potential software testing outsourcing providers, you can consider these questions:

  • What is your experience in my industry?
  • Can you provide references or case studies from previous projects?
  • What are your testing methodologies?
  • How do you handle project management and communication?
  • What are your rates and billing practices?

2. What communication channels should I use to collaborate with the outsourcing team?

Use a mix of communication tools based on the nature of the interaction required: email for formal communications, instant messaging platforms like Slack or Teams for quick updates, and video conferencing tools like Zoom for detailed discussions and meetings.

3. How can I ensure the quality of software testing services from an outsourcing provider?

To ensure the quality of software testing services from an outsourcing provider, you should:

  • Set clear quality standards and KPIs.
  • Regularly review test results and reports.
  • Schedule periodic meetings to discuss progress and issues.
  • Ensure the provider uses established and effective testing methodologies.

4. What security measures should I expect from an outsourcing provider?

The common measures your outsourcing provider must apply and adhere to are:

  • Data encryption and secure data transfer methods.
  • Compliance with international security standards (e.g., ISO/IEC 27001, GDPR).
  • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
  • Nondisclosure agreements and strict access controls.

5. What should be included in a software testing outsourcing contract?

Among many other things, you must include these core aspects in your software testing outsourcing contract:

  • Detailed scope of work and deliverables.
  • Quality and performance metrics.
  • Pricing structure and payment terms.
  • Confidentiality and security clauses.
  • Termination conditions and dispute resolution mechanisms.
Let’s build your next product! Share your idea or request a free consultation from us.