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Andrii Chernysh

Tech Engineer Lead

Andrii is the maestro of engineering at Uptech. He is the Head of Engineering and Operations Engineering Manager at Uptech for over 5 years, he's on a mission to ignite innovation and craft the best tech solutions that leave a lasting impact on both tech startups and enterprises.

Andrii leads a tech department at Uptech and works closely with clients to validate hypotheses, create digital products that meet their needs. As a Technical Engineering Manager, he provides valuable coaching and support to the team, conducting 1-on-1 sessions, offering feedback, and assisting with personal development plans.

Andrii started his career in IT as an Android developer. He developed complicated and incredibly responsive apps as a specialty while working on finance and e-commerce startups. He adheres to best practices, including Clean Architecture, Android Architecture Components, MVP, MVI, MVVM, and CI/CD. He prioritizes code quality, writes tests, and actively engages in code reviews and Scrum activities.

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Andrii Chernysh