uptech author

Pavel Vorontsov

Backend Developer

Pavel is Backend Team Lead at Uptech experienced in various domains such as healthcare apps, on-demand apps, social platforms, PropTech. Pavel is also profocient in cloud infrastructure management and architecture.

His proficiency includes such frameworks as NestJS, which allows him to develop efficient and maintainable server-side solutions. Skilled at NestJS, Pavel ensures that the apps he builds are not only performant but matching best practices and industry standards.

Besides framework expertise, Pavel also has a strong command of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. This expertise allows him to design and implement efficient data storage and retrieval systems that meet the specific needs of each project. Whether it's relational or NoSQL databases, he has the skills to optimize data management and ensure the smooth operation of the backend.

His technical knowledge goes beyond programming languages and databases. Pavel is also into Object-Oriented Programming, Design Patterns, SOLID principles, MVP, Clean Architecture, Unit Testing, Concurrent Programming, and networking. With a profound understanding of software engineering concepts, Pavel enables can architect scalable and maintainable backend systems.

When it comes to development tools, Pavel is proficient in using Intellij IDEA, Git, Terraform, Ansible, JIRA, CircleCI, TravisCI, and Jenkins. These tools help streamline the development process, ensure code quality, and facilitate effective collaboration within the development team.

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Pavel Vorontsov